Sunday, May 27, 2007

Personal Chickenstamps

Here you see my new personal stamp. Ordered and than delivered in 1 (one) day. If there will be a next issue I make the logo a bit bigger on the stamp if possible.
Mijn nieuwe logo op een persoonlijke postzegel. TNT was erg snel met de levering, de dag na ontwerp/bestelling lagen ze al op de deurmat.
Oplage : 20 stuks.

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

My New Logo


Wednesday, May 23, 2007


It won't be long till we leave for France. They have a lot of stamps concerning holiday's. These two stamps are only for local mail I think, but when you put some extra stamps on your card home (Europe or else) the mailman will bring it where you want it. We are going to the Provence, nice quit camping and maybe good sunny weather.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I was advised to make my blog in two languages, Dutch and English.

That's to get more readers. Also better fo find for the searching machines.

Do you think that is a good option? I really do not fill my Dutch homepage a lot the last time.

What you see is a Dutch stamp, specialy made for soccerfans of Ajax. They are in a booklet with 3 different types. You have to pay a lot more than the price which is on the stamp.

Heb het advies gekregen mijn blog ook in het Nederlands te maken. Zou meer lezers geven en de zoekmachines kunnen je dan ook beter vinden.

Denk je dat het een goeie optie is? Zelf hou ik mijn hompage in het Nederlands niet echt bij de laatste tijd.

De Ajax zegel is er een uit een nieuw prestige-marketing boekje hetwelk TNT op de markt heeft gebracht. Voor € 9,95 heb je wel 6 zegels van € 0,44.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007


This is a new cancellation type. Oval instead of round. Used from May 8th, but I was to late to get a first day cancellation. Why they change it I have to find out. I use one of the famous seedstamps. Read that the seedquality is poor,but who is putting his stamp in the ground???

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Monday, May 14, 2007

Easter cards

Received some nice cards from Olga. Russian Eastercards. Like them very much.

Show you two cards. Very colorfull. In our country there are not so many Easter cards, or do I look not well enough.

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Sunday, May 13, 2007


Show you one of the nice covers with I received for my birthday. Not even on the envelop nice things, but also inside. Do have a lot stamps and things to sort out these day's. Nice to have so much friends around the globe. As you see I am not a daily any more. Must make choices, who not??

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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

New Chickens

This week I have 2 more new silkychickens. Not much, 5 eggs did not have new chicks.

Got a lot of stamps this week. Have to sort them out but you only have time you can spend and there is less time for stamps and blog too, as you may noticed.

Maybe I have to reduce my activities so that I can do more on special things. Also must take action for the next holiday's in France. Look for a picture to show but dont have a story with it.

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Sunday, May 06, 2007

New Chickens

Today I have 2 new chickens. There are 3 eggs left and maybe tomorrow I have more.

Did see that I have a lot of things these day's and do not fill my blog every day. I think my readers notice that to. Maybe because holiday's are coming up. You will miss me (or not...) for a week or 4. I have a lot to show. The picture you see is a stamp I still looking for. Maybe you have it to exchange with me?? We in the Netherlands don't have series with stamps anymore. Sheets with 10, minisheets, booklets, but you are not able to buy one stamp out of a serie. Over and out this way of selling stamps.

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