Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Minisheet Sri Lanka

Very nice sheet, got it as a birthdaypresent last year. It's a painting on a wooden casket.
What does it shows us? Who is able to tell ?? Could not find a chicken on it, but if you collect horses.....

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Russian Rooster

The mail brings nice things. This is one side of a nice card. What is say's ?? I don't know.

There is also a backside of the card, but that will give no solution, however you can think what you want. Maybe the sender, from Moscow, could help us. Let's wait if she read this blogg also.

Als nice and a lot of stamps on the envelop, maybe show you later.

Soon it's time to put my chickens on their eggs to to get such lovely little ones...

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Monday, January 29, 2007

Nice card

Just a new old nice card, received today. Will tell more later

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Sunday, January 28, 2007


Nice block of 4 types of chickens from Uruguay. The scan is not compleet, lucky the block is.

The chickens showed are Araucanas, New Hampshire, Orpington-buff en Leghorn Light-brown.

You can see hen and rooster of al these chickens. The first type is a bit different then the normal chickens you see. Maybe you only see the one in the supermarket, they are not of these types.

Saturday, January 27, 2007


Nice stamps on a cover I got last week. Reminds me about spring. Nice flowers of bulbs. There are a lot of bulbs in the Netherlands, you don't see them much, but the flowers of course you see. We have to wait some more months, but I can assure you, they are in the ground somewere and they will come out soon. In our garden you can already see it, because there was/is no winter this season. Last week 3 day's -4-7 C in the night, but now we are going up to + 5 C.

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Friday, January 26, 2007

Danish stamps

I also collect Danish used stamps. Do have a lot, only recent stamps (used) are hard to find. Where do I hear that before. This is a nice stamp of a serie of 4 stamps. Don't have an idea what these stamps are about, exept they are cartoons.. Of course I can google that but maybe you can tell me/us about these .

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Great singer

Do you like music? And singers? This one died in 1921. A great, maybe the greatest Italian Tenor we have had. This picture show him in a rol of ???, you may tell me. Enrico Caruso was born in Napels, Italy, on February 25th 1873. In 1903 he went to America and preformed there with The New York Metropolian Opera. Like the singing of tenors a lot, not the whole day but so now and then. You want to know more about Caruso?

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Left overs from holiday in France

Do have some of these stamps left from a holiday in France. Did put some in my Delcampe shop. When we are going to France this year again, I will buy new stamps.... Of course I can take these with me and put them on the cards we send home, but I like new stamps more....Must have some more left overs so here and there.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Rembrandt France

Very nice stamp I got on a newyears card from Eric. Shows some beggarly people on the door of a house. Very nice painting,drawing, did not see this picture before. Have a friend on my club who collect Rembrandt stamps, make him happy with this stamp. Have a lot of friends who collect al kind of stamps. Keep them apart for them. So alway's looking for, chickens, bikes, flags, space,frogs, Rembrandt, animals and a lot more on stamps..

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Thin Ice

So I am also a member of a Dutch Stampsite. Johan the moderator and owner did made some Personal stamps for the benefit of Greenpeace. He is selling the stuf on Ebay and add the nett result to Greenpeace. Show you the stamp. It is says to you : 2006 Thin Ice and 2036 No Ice. If you like these stamps you can still bid on them. Think it's a nice way to make some money for Greenpeace. You also can see the results for them on the site of Greenpeace.(The Netherlands)


Sunday, January 21, 2007

Culture chickes

More from Russia. Very nice card with a lady in Russian costume, feeding the chickens(hens)

Mr Rooster is looking how his wives have a nice time eating the food.When I feed my chicks the rooster is offen waiting till the others have some.

Do you think this a realistic picture? Normaly I don't feed my chickens in National/Volendam costume, but still lovely card.

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Friday, January 19, 2007

Who are the beasts??

This I find a wonderful stamp. Showing the “Gorilla Beringei Beringei. Mother with child, don’t think is his/her father.
Mother’s is about 90 kg , the father could be a 250 kg. They live in the zoo; I mean there are also about 670 of them left in the National Parks of Uganda, Rwanda and D.R. Congo. Their habitat is still getting smaller and smaller, we mankind, beasts of this world, need war and collector items of these nice animals, so we have no left soon. Germany makes me happy with such a stamp. 2 Currencies , collect them too.

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Russian Card

Got a nice card today in the mail from Olga, who live in Moscow.
For who don't read the Russian language I have the small story Olga wrote to me.
The cartoon is from a famous/popular Russian caricaturist with the name ANDREI BILJO. (to see more of him)
It shows a smoking men "Petrovich" who is addressed by the HEN. :
"Petrovich, do not smoke in presence of kids, my chickens are already smoked."
Lovely card, sponsored (?) by BATCO. Russia.

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

To do.............

Just a very few stamps I got from a tin box, which is a part of a lot of stuf from England I got a few years ago. Have to sort is out, soak or sell it in once. The last is no option, because, you'l never know what is in it..... A lot of machins en holes.....
Need more time to do that, maybe to much blogging ???

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Sometimes you buy somthing and it is not what you expected. This is a picture from a book of Nestle. Must be an old one album. The French text on the back is almost gone. Something like LES MERVEILLES DU MONDE , Wonders/beautys of the World....Nice to read that chickens are on of the wonders of the world.


Monday, January 15, 2007

el Gallo Pinto

Every day bring new surprices in the mail. If it are no bill's or taxes, realy less in snail mail these day's, it could be such a nice card as you see here. From Costa Rica, with again a nice recepy for Morning Rice and Beans. In the Central Valley of Costa Rica, the early call of roosters precedes the glorious aroma of Gallo Pinto. No sender on this card, but do I have lot's of friends in Cota Rica? No so thanks to you.., also for the Happy New Year wishes.....

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Thursday, January 11, 2007


will be away a few day's. see you next week.


Did look for some very old information (and still do). Found this maximumcard from Belgium. Day of Philatily for children. Issued in 1984. Put this in my cards and covers for trade. There are a lot of collectors of these cards, do you know some-one?


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Do you like these cards

So I did receive a lot of chickencards over the past years. How long do I collect chickenstamps and things now??? Don't know really, do know I have some cards twice or more. Also these so if you like them?? Mail me, for more see My other blog..

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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Chickencard Belgium Ardennes

Today a nice old house in Belgium, Ardennen. With, indeed you are right, chickens on them. Maybe the house is more old than nice. Chickens are less old. Maybe 4-5 years for them and then meat for dinner.And as you know, click on the picture to see the same but bigger.

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Monday, January 08, 2007

New Personal Stamps

New Standard Personal stamps. 2-1-2007 10 new stamps. These stamps are printed. Also printed stamps without the picture of the building of The Dutch Munt (They who makes the coins) 200 years, don't know if that building is also that age.... New value € 0,44 for each stamp.
You also can make your own design on these stamps. You like a Dutch stamp with your own picture?? Mail me for further information.....

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Sunday, January 07, 2007

Plymouth Rocks

This is a very nice cinderella. Shows Plymouth Rocks chickens. On the stamp(may we call this so???) is in German the text : Creolin Medol may not missing in every poultry house. Advertisment stamps, there are a lot and they are hard to get, so valuable.
Nice chickentype Plymouth Rocks. At the first American Poultry-show in Boston ( 1849) there seem to have been some lage cuckoo-like fowls on display. In 1874 the barred Plymouth Rock were admitted to the American Standard. In 1880 the first Rocks came to England and in 1882 to The Netherlands.
They do go broody. The light-brown eggs weight 60-70 gram. The chickens 3000-4750 gramme.
Thanks to the nice book : Poultry Paintings 1890-1968 from the famous Dutch Chickenpainter mr.C.S.Th. van Gink.
Offered by the Board for poultry and Eggs in The Netherlands.

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Saturday, January 06, 2007


A wonderfull mini(maxi) sheet. Think you never will find this on a letter to you or some-one else. One of the lot's of chickenstamps where I am still looking for.

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Friday, January 05, 2007

Easter cards

There must be a lot of these cards, over 1,000 Pcs? World Wide. I guess just a number, could be more or less of course.
I do have also some of these chicken-easter cards. This one I got today from my friend John J.
The card has also a relief , the flowers, chickens and eggs. Strange to have always coloured eggs on such cards. Where does that come from? The card has a cancellation 03-20-1909 from Rudolph. Ohio 6PM
Also label this with easter so that you can find them in time. Maybe a little soon after Christmas, but as you know. Time is running when you are over 50……

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Thursday, January 04, 2007

150 postings

I have over 150 postings now on my blog. Thats a lot, I find it a lot.

Maybe start over again with the pictures because I have a lot of new visitors every day.

Or do you - as a new visitor- look at all the pages ? I don't think so but please let me know if you like that.
The picture of today is a MS I still need, so the label for today ias also wantlist.

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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Non collectors

There are a lot of us, stamp collectors, but we have more non collectors. Now it is the art to get stamps from them but whan you asked today, several times they forget that in the time.
So our nice neighbours who were here to give the best wishes for 2007. They told us that her little daughter got a nice book from French friends for the Christmas. There were also a lot on the packaging. Nice you have them for me, I asked? O forgotten.. I said they must be in the paper bin (we have a big one for 1 month of paper, board and textile, recycling is good for the world) but don’t give yourself any trouble. Next time better……
Later on the little one shows up with this MS. A small folding, but nice to have…… The neighbour's wife went upsidown in the paperbin to get it out.
They will save the stamps they receive for me, let’s wait and see.


Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Nice cover I have from May 27th 1933. Century of progress, world fair in Chicago.
Did they have any idea what progress there was still coming up in the rest of that century?
To mention some: WW-II (maybe no progress as a war for mankind but a lot of new technics came up). Space, Feet on the Moon, Internet, Chanel Tunnel, and a lot more.
Could be a nice topic *Progress* . You can start with your date of Birth to keep it handsome.
Better to have a limit on your collection.... (look who's talking....)


Monday, January 01, 2007


Hope we all have a great year in health and stampyness.

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