Saturday, June 30, 2012


Got this card in Germany last week. Some nice chickens on a postcard. Like to buy cards or stamps on our holiday's. The 4 German stamps I bought are on the cards to our2 granddaugthers so I can't show these. 

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Friday, June 29, 2012


This year have had our second holidays, now almost a week in Germany. (see card)

When I got back today two covers with nice things in and on the cover, show one from Witti with Aland personalized stamp on it. (and one inside) . Think thats my first of that country or is Finland the country ??

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Postzegels of automaatstroken

Een al wat oudere enveloppe met daarop 1 postzegel en twee (2) automaatstroken. Las in de Filatelie van deze maand dat we automaatstroken in Nederland achter ons hebben gelaten, doch dat het buitenland ze met grote liefde heeft omarmd. Mooie plaatjes en in verschillende en veel uitvoeringen. Nu denk ik dat het financieel voordeel zal geven voor de posterijen, als verzamelaar ben ik er minder blij mee. Wat vinden jullie hiervan ?
Bewaar natuurlijk wel die stroken, een liefhebber kan kontakt met me opnemen....

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Minisheets of Canada

They have nice minisheets there in Canada. Just show two of them who were also in the post-holiday mail.

Nice to have this kind off issues. you pay the face value and not more...

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Cover from Belgium

Nice cover from Belgium in the mail I found when we came back from France. Thanks Holger for this nice one. Nice cancellation with a londonbus, double. A personalized Belgium stamp, like that. Inside a nice cover from Sweden with two chickenstamps. Show these later. Just start easy with my blog, still have that holidayfeeling.....

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