Monday, June 29, 2009

coat of arms, concepts

I do have a lot of concepts for personalized stamps. Like this one but I like a lot of them. Maybe its not allowed to put our national logo on a personalized stamp. But as I see some of my last productions there is a lot you can order at our TNT. Big Brother is watching but not at our personalized stampsales organisation... Its also a lot of money when you order everything you like.

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Personal stamps on normal mail

More and more I see personalized stamps in my mail. Not from people who don't collect stamps I have to admit. This one was on a cover from a friend which I exchange personalized Dutch stamps. Because of the nice weater this is all for 2day..

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Donald Duck

More and more you see here in the Netherlands commercial issues of stamps. Personalized Minisheet of Donald Duck, in combination with 3 postcards and a card where you can subscribe to the Donald Duck Magazine with a discount. Show the cardboard packaging were everything is in. Still very popular that duck here, even under the youngsters of 50-70 year who grew up with this fellow. Below the minisheet of the 3 stamps. Don't think you will see them on a cover normally. Just another "moneymaker" for the Post. Even I did buy some.....
Net als veel generatiegenoten opgegroeid met het weekblad Donald Duck. "Onze" TNT heeft er weer goed op ingespeeld. Donald Duck zegels in een verpakking met een aanmeldingskaart voor het bekende weekblad en ook een drietal leuke kaarten. Heb er een aantal aangeschaft, nostalgie dat is zeker. Het weekblad Donald Duck wordt nog regelmatig door de oudere jongeren gelezen, blijft leuk en is vaak ook actueel.

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Saturday, June 20, 2009


Always show a picture of our holidays in France. Did not see any postoffice inside this time. Just away for a week, but very nice and great fish, Carps. You see here 3 photo's from the first evening we just to try to find what is in the lake. Using just some bread we had left from the journey from home.

Must be a nice one.

Indeed a very nice carp . A lot more we did catch in that week, but next thing I show will be some nice stamps.

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Thursday, June 11, 2009


Did bought a lot of cinderellas on EBAY last week. Sorting them out there was one chicken on a minisheet. Maybe i's a real stamp, did not have time to look at that. A lot of other nice things, did see also "real" stamps in it. Show a -very-  small part of them here. A lot of USA things too.

Leuk partijtje op EBAY aangeschaft, wel cinderella's. Na het uitsorteren bleek er toch een "kippending" tussen te zitten.  Moet nog uitzoeken of het een echte postzegel is, deze zitten er ook nog tussen evenals enkele stadspostzegels. Veel Amerikaans Boys Town spul ook. Best een uitzoekwaardig geheel. Na de vakantie, dat wel. Grooter plaatje ? even erop dubbelklikken..

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Monday, June 01, 2009

Picture's trees and silky's

No scanner but a photo is as good as a scan. Here the stamps I promised yesterday. Nice stamps, I told before. Did see some questions about my chickens. Also show a picture of the first 6 silky of the season. Did also make this today just like the stamps.
Hier de foto van de zegels die op de enveloppe zitten uit Maleisie (?) Leuke zegels met bomen erop, de vertaling van het soort bomen blijf ik even schuldig.. Naar aanleiding van een vraag hoe het mijn kuikens is laat ik ook even een foto zien van de eerste 6 stuks van dit seizoen zoals ze er nu uitzien, complete kipjes.

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