Tuesday, October 31, 2006

New Name

A new issue in The Netherlands, new stamp because the name of our post did change. Did show an enveloppe before, but there is also a new stamp. On of the things that disappear from the Post offices is that you could buy one or two stamps. Still there are people who don't have many letters to send. You have to buy at least 10 pcs now, last your there were also products with 5 stamps in it. Of couse it is possible to have one "non"stamp as I called them with the value need for the letter or packet, don't like them in our country. The design of this stamp is nice, Dutch flag on it, but who is collecting flags? and is this stamp flag enough to collect them as your topic is flags???


Monday, October 30, 2006

Where do you come from ??

Have a nice counter with a lot of information see for instance : worldmap.
Need some visitors from Africa, East and Middle-East and some more from South America. Maybe they were there, the worldmap shows the last (?) visitors.



Thanks to George for the nice link. Also very handsome when tou can use these when your chatting or so, now when to stop en what time it is with the people you chat with. Later today maybe a stamppicture...

Sunday, October 29, 2006


Some collectors like to collect some "closed" area's. I did found one but as it shows now it will be open into reasonable time. Two currencies, EURO (€) and a local one. I started to collect all European stamps with the two currency's For Italie this is a closed period. Show a "definitive" if you can called that so for a stamp thas was one year in the postoffice for sale. If you have these stamps, lets trade...


Thursday, October 26, 2006

Busy day

Have had a busy day again so show just more of my collection.( Got some in stock!!)

Hope to find more time for the blog. Today we have F(rance) - G(reat Brittain) . See that to morrow I have to scan some new pages.... See you.


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

More collection

What you see today is my collection d-e. Did not have much time to show more and detail it. Maybe the last two stamps have to go to G, if you want that let me know.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Poultry c

Yesterday, this morning here, I showed a-b of my collection. Still miss stamps from Aden, Afghanistan, Andorra French, Angola, Asencion, Austria (got 11 chickenstamps at least and I have none) and Azerbaijan. Forget the b- countries, even more.

I do need a lot of chickenstamps. Today I show all my stamps form c-countries. Cuba has a lot of CTO's with nice chickens on them. Also nice stamps from Canada and the Republik of China.

The picture will follow later. Some blogger trouble with uploading it.
The situation was with me, tiff's of 10,5 MB are a bit to large for blogger....


Monday, October 23, 2006

My collection chickenstamps

Last week I started to make my chickenstampcollection more availeble. Just sorted the stamps on country. First try to collect them from egg till chickens as food, but then you are not able to remind all the stamps you have or not.( Al least I do) Today I start with the stamps from countries with started with A-B to show you. Of course it is also handsome for people to see what I don't have in chickenstamps, and they have and don't need (!)

All the stamps will be showed on my blog. I put a label on this item : my collection, so you can see them all together if you want..


Sunday, October 22, 2006

Year of the rooster

Don't think I will collect stamps of Jersey. Will make always exceptions for chickenstamps. Like this MS with a Rooster who want to eat the Queen of GB. Also you can see the Chinese Rooster is lost. Even if its look like that there is spring or summer on the MS the fellow need a shawl. Or don't you think he is cold. Cool the sheet is, also the price. Nominal value of one pound, must be a big enveloppe to Timboektoe what need such a value. I like to have this sheet but think Eric also need this.

BTW did catch some nice fish, but you have to wail a long time for the picture.... still 14 to go on myfishcamera.


Thursday, October 19, 2006

Not always chickens and things

Could be you will miss my blog next days, not the blog of course (hope not blogs will have a MSN chatroom effect) but the content I put in so now and then.
Will have some friends over next days and we are going to catch some fish. Not this one, I alreay catched that some time ago, but maybe one of his sisters or brothers. Female pike's usually are bigger then the mentype. Let you know if we get any fish, could be also "normal" fish.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

You like presents?

Don't we all ? This week our TPG post change her name into TNT Post. Not only the name also colours were changed. They say, watch your mailbox you will get a present. Alway nice to get one end hopefully I looked at the mail last Thuesday. There is was an enveloppe with a letter that name and colour and the outfit of the mailman/woman were updated. Also an enveloppe with a printed stamp on it. € 0,39 is the value of the gift. Nice and thanks, Think the costs of the operation will be a lot more per address. Do you have any idea?? I think it must be at least

€ 2,00 or more... Just keep it MINT and don't use it.

See the picture, and remember, you click on the picture and it will be huge.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Do you have this stamp????

Last Friday there was an auction in Germany. A very rare stamp of the last years was sold. In 2001 there was an issue with a DM 1,10 stamp on which there was Audrey Hepburn. It shows a scene from “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” Smoking Audrey’s family did not want this issue. All the 14.000.000 stamps must be destroyed. Only 5 sheets with 10 stamps were kept for the German Post Archive. 3 pcs of these stamps did came into the world.One was sold last year for € 135.000.=. The stamp of last Friday for € 53.000.= Better look if you have number 3, will still have a value of € 50.000 or so. Maybe the picture will help you to find this item.

Monday, October 16, 2006

New Template

Nice a new template, lost all my links. Will add them asap......
Maybe you can help me and mail your bloggerlink to me please..
Also my counter is gone.............

New Issue

Always looking for new chickenstamps. There is a new issue

in St.Helena. A serie called The Twelf Days of Christmas. Show the 25P whit some chickens. It is a round stamp. Would be nice to have this one on a cover but do I have readers from St.Helena who can help me? ALso change to Blogger Beta and take a new template. Maybe I have to change that from time to time. Think this is better to read, now go also for better stories....

Thursday, October 12, 2006

No local stamps anymore

After 10 different MS with the same stamp in it, only availeble in the town/place/village what the stamps is about, or the Philatelic Office, we have two issues with five different stamps.
Lucky (!?) for us you can buy them in every postoffice-agency. The MS I show has all kind of frames for paintings on it. Think it is a bit "busy" picture now. Also a pity the perfins are the same as the other sheets so that no painting will be left if you use the stamps only. Did not find any chickens in these sheets but there is a lot for topic collectors to find.


Monday, October 09, 2006

A Cottage Home

Good old days. When I see such a card I alsway think how nice it was in the past. Don't think thats so, people have to work hard and long and did not have the things we have then. You could say are we more happy with all the things we have now and do we have a balance in wealth in this world. No need to answer that question. Still a nice picture, feeding the chickens, the drawer did not know that when chickens are living like that they don''t need food from mankind, but it is nice to do and they will visit you then. Thanks to John James for this nice card.


Sunday, October 08, 2006


Just back at home. No blogg information today will show tomorrow something. For some people there is no tomorrow....

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Does it work?

The extra transparent film to find information on the stamps. Does it work????

Animal MS 4-10-2006

Today I was in my super-market to put some letters in the mail(and have nice cancellations on the stamps). Do you have the new stamps already the lady asked me? No I don't I said. The sheet I show you was issued today on our Dutch "Animal" day. There is also a booklet but I did not buy one......yet. With this sheet there was also a transparent film(sheet) and if you put that on top of the stamp, you can see how heavy she/he could be and also what the animal is eating.
I did do that and with a bit of luck you can see that indeed. A lot of interesting stamps for animal-topic collectors. (Eric, Benoît,Jan) No chickens today on this sheet. Only animals who are threaten in their existence are on this sheet. Like one of the sheet, mail me.....

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Stampcollecting in the Future ...

In 2009 we have in Europe freedom of mailservice. That means that every company who want to deliver mail in Europe has the right to do this. Also it means that the Official Mail Services of every country will have the same rights and obligations as the rest of the mail services.
What will happen with our stamps ???? Do we get a lot of locals ? Do we , as collectors, want them all? Or do we stay whith the "old" Post Companies. Could and would we pay for that great amount of stamps that will arrived in the market? What do you think ? Is it the end of the stampcollections as we know now ??

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