Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Hard to find, higher values of our queen. The normal rate is € 0,44 or € 0,88 for mail in our country. I am looking for € 0,55-0,57-0,61-0,67-0,76. Maybe you have some for me. Mail me for exchange or so.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Personal stamps on cover

Here you see some personal stamps on cover that I received last two weeks. When you collect these stamps it take some time to let people know that you do.
The first stamp is to promoot Zeeland, a province on our coast. The local tourist information issued this stamp and also one of the type you see next to it. As wou can see the cancellation on this cover is to short for the stamp and the mailman/woman did take care of that sitiation. The ship is a famous Dutch ship "The Rotterdam" which is back and stay in Rotterdam.
The next stamp is a picture of a monument on an auditorium in our muncipality. My neighbour is the owner and made some stamps for his business. The next stamp is from Sensoor an organisation you can call-mail if you need attention or want to talk about yourself. Day and night.

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Sunday, August 17, 2008


Did spend a lot of time this week with my brother in law fishing. Here we are on the river Waal (thats the end of the river Rhine, which start in Swiss. The results were poor, but is was and is nice to do. Now more stamp here later this week.
Also some rain and of course nice views of the river and the clouds.

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