Sunday, April 30, 2006

New chicken update

Just let you know that I now have 3 "mum"chickens with little ones. Mum 1 has 2, 2 has 6 and mum 3 has 5 little chickens. To early to see if they are roosters or hens. Some people can see it at the first day, I am not able to do so, think thats better I wait and see. Today was a nice day between the clouds. Spring will come at the end of the week. Will try to find a picture later on to show you with a small story.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

The Queens Birthday

Today we cellebrate the birthday of our Queen. Normaly we have this day on April 30th, but because it is Sunday then "they" moved it to Saterday 29th. Something to do with old values like churches and so. You have to know -if you like of course- that the real Birthday of our Queen is on January 31th. Mostly it is cold at that time and therefor our Queen decided when she became Queen that the birthday of her mother, Juliana, would stay as Koninginnedag ( Queensday). So you know all now. The two stamps are of a MS from 2005, issued when Beatrix was 25 years our queen or is it Queen.? Very high values , 156 cents for local mail 100-250 grams, and 225 cent for 250-500 grams. Never see these on a letter, think they al with collectors in compleet sheets. Nice topic to start : Queens with hat....Must be a lot of them.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Dutch coin with rooster

Yesterday I promised to show you a Dutch coin with a rooster.
Saw on E-bay this picture, so is save me a scan. Always nice to save money, even, or is it just, for a Dutchman......


Thursday, April 27, 2006

Coin Chicken stamp

Just show you my first coin with a chicken on it. Not only a chicken but also a chicken on a stamp. Maybe it is not a stamp in the way they are ment to be in the first place.
When I think a bit more it is not the first coin with a chicken on it. Our old Dutch cent have had a Master of the Mint who had a rooster as sign on our coins. Will find one and show you later.
Next item must be a banknote with a chicken on it. If you have one, let me know.


Monday, April 24, 2006

Rembrandt in Croatia

Republika HRVATSKA ( Croatia) also has a nice issue of "our" Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn.
Born in 1606 and a great painter.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Rembrandt painter

Just put a new stamppicture here. Its the 400th cellebration of the birthday of our famous painter Rembrandt van Rijn. The stamps shows one of his famous pictures. Discussion if a selfmade portrait is a better item to have on a stamp for this occasion. Croatia has a nice issue I will show you when I back at home...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Books and languages

This summer the English as a language will reach the numer of one million words. ( 1.000.000).
Last month the numer was official 988.968 words. An American organisation : Global Language Monitor (GLM) is watching this. The total amount of an English-speaking person is between 24.000 and 30.000 words. Even when you know 3.000 words you are able to speak and let others understand you ... (see me,lol) The increase of English is going faster then other ones.
French has 100.000 words, Spanish 225.000. We in The Netherlands also have about 100.000 words. Still enough to have a lot of books. Show you two stamps of 1991 concerning library work in our country for 200 years.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Little Chickens

Hope that into 6-7 day's I als have some little chickens like these. There are 11 eggs under a hen. Hope 8-9 will be little chickens. Than you have 50% rooster and 50% hens, if your lucky.
Hens you can use, the roosters will mostly have another purpose than "do" it with the hens.
My chickens are also white, nice to see that the little ones of white chicks are starting yellow. Will be over into 2-3 weeks when white feathers sow up. Expect more littles into 10-14 days from now.
Keep you informed, have a nice week.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Chickenstamps are more valuable these days

The year of the Rooster, every 12 years there is a new Chinese Zodiac Year.
This stamp is from the year what was between 23-1-1993 and 9-2-1994. The US of A had a stamp issue 29cent.

As you can see there was a new roosteryear from Febr.2005 till Jan. 2006. The roosters in that year were more in price than 10 years ago. Even 2 cents more in 2006 that 2005.

This nice cover where you can see that, has another nice chick on it. In her time it was a beatyfull girl/woman. Grace Kelly, the later Princes Gracia of Monaco. Think this is also a nice stamp. Maybe for the next issue in 2017 of the roosteryear there is a new design for the USA stamp. Will wait for that...2017 if we still have our Globe then...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin

Gagarin was the first man in space. these days 45 years ago this happend, just like yesterday for me..

Somewere I must have his signature on a picture, tried to find it today but did not locate it. I did found a lot of letters from 1965-1980 from my Russian stamp-friend. Nice covers with nice stamps, most space but also others. Also a nice Russian book about the first man in space. Don't understand a word. Never finish my Russian lessons...

Also started my space-collection in that time. After 1985 I did not so much to increase this collection. Could be time to do so. Or shall I wait for the 50th commemoration of this flight.

Post automation

The mailman is going to be a collectble item. More and more the machines are taking over.
To sort out the mail they already there. Reading addresses and zipcode. Making Bar code's to bring the mail as fast as can from sender to receiver. The Stampcollector is no part in all this. He/she has to wait how the letter will arrive. I show you a example . Got more of these and I think you too. Let me know how to avoid these things....

This is one of the enveloppes wicht are to small for the stamps on front. The back is also nice, and a confirmation of today-s issue..

The chicken you see is not a stamp. A front of a match-box, was inside this envelop.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Rhode Island Red

Rhode Island Red. A chicken created about 1860. Used were Cochin buff and Maleiers (from Malaysia) The people in Rhode Island (in 1890 about 450.000)were very happy then, maybe now too. The meat was good and also the new type of chicken was a good layer of eggs. (Into 5 months after they were born....)The hens of course ....
In 1901 a German trader : W.Radtke brought the chickens to Europe. 4 years later the first Special Club was formed. First they were called Red Islens Red, the red of the chickens came in 1925. Nowadays we have also white R.I.R. chickens in the Netherlands. Thanks to Clara for this nice stamp. As you can see a rooster, also needed in the chickenworld..

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Local chickens

I like chickens, real but also on stamps. You may noticed that...
Also I like local chickens, Local stamps not for mail around the world. Nice to have friends who see the local stamps as more that use on local mail.
This is a nice rooster from Singapore, we don't have such locals here!

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Friday, April 07, 2006

beard little's of Antwerp.

Don't know if that's the just translation. Do know that a lot of nice things come out of Belgium.

If I forget, how do I do that, the nice Belgium beers the second thing is the nice Antwerpse Baard Kriel, a chicken from the 19th centuary created. It has to say that there were also kind of this type in the 17th age. A fellow named A.Cuip described them in that time. In the poultry show in Brussel (1896) there were already 51 chickens to look at. This nice stamp was issued in 1969, November 8th. The total issue was 883.853 pcs. Nice Rooster Stamp. Like this stamp very much.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

For Sail

Collecting stamps is a precious hobby.
This card was issued in 1985 as a promotion for stamps in combination with the yearly Sail show in Amsterdam.
Our PTT Post , Philatelic department, shows a few Dutch stamps all about ships and boats. Dont'really know the difference, but there is for sure. Some people get mad when you call their ship a boat, or is it the other way around?
Think it is a nice topic, collecting ships/boats and as you see you have a lot of them, even in a small country like ours. Of course we have a lot of water, but don't we have all on the globe? Time to use and take care about our water, we need it and without water it over and out...Keep sailing.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Philatelic Print ?

Received a enveloppe from Belgium with some Sigar Bands, Chickens of course, which I bought by Delcampe. Nice bands and a nice trade.
As a stampcollector I am not interested in the instant "stamps" you see more and more at the postoffices these days. Spain got a lot of them. Hard to soak, if you want to do that. Maybe there are collectors who likes these philatelic "prints" or have we call them stamps?
If you collect them, put an postcard in the snailmail and you will receive them, with "real" stamps I promise.

Saturday, April 01, 2006


You can collect stamps in all the way's you like. A Dutch designer, Hinke Luiten, got some stamps from her dad after he died. She made a nice dress with hat and bag.
Not for sale, but you can rent it. The stamps are from 1982-2000 and all Dutch. Total postal value HFL 714,40 now in € 324.18.
She makes clothing in all kind of special things which are not made for that.
You want to see more? for all your specials.

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