Sunday, January 18, 2009

Year of the OX

Nice postcard I received last week. In front two buildings in Prague. Here you see the back. Nice flower stamps form China with a even nicer candcellation of The Year of the Ox. Cancellation on January 5th.
The Chinese New Year start January 26th, so it's a New Years card.
Thanks Wei XU

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Friday, January 16, 2009

Kredietcrisis en postzegels

Je ziet het wel meer, ook in Nederland. De "oude" postzegels die men nog heeft worden steeds meer, zolang het nog kan, gebruikt voor verzending van de post. Deze enveloppe kreeg ik na aankoop van persoonlijke Belgische postzegels. Best een leuke frankering en de zegels in de enveloppe waren mijn eerste Belgische Persoonlijke Postzegels. Ook de nummers stonden erbij, jammer dat het een beetje door elkaar geraakt is. Wel handig dat men in Belgie de persoonlijke postzegels een apart nummer geeft. In Nederland is dat nu ook zo, doch of dit verder in de catalogus komt, denkelijk niet.
Do you use also "older" stamps on your today's mail?
these Belgian stamps where on a cover I received with some personalized stamp I bought on Delcampe. Here you can buy that kind of stamps for 60-70% of the postoffice value.....

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Friday, January 09, 2009

Winter in The Netherlands

We have winter here. Since a long time we can skate on the "real" ice. Here a picture of our garden, yesterday in the snoa and a little fog. In the end you can see my chickenhouse and also the white silky's must be there, hard to see in the snow. Did receive a lot of mail and new personalized stamps, will take care of it and show some items here.

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Monday, January 05, 2009

Cover with egg and little chicken

Today a very nice cover with best wishes for 2009 in it from Eric. Nice stamp on(and in) it. As always there is a nice cancellation on the stamp and cover.

A (special?) stamp for letters of 20 grams (max) to the whole world as I can see it on the stamp. Did try to find out if this is regular stamp or a personalized one. Have to find out if France does have also these kind of stamps.

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Sunday, January 04, 2009

HAPPY 2009

Wish all the readers of this blog a happy 2009

Hope to see you again here.
Even by bad weather the mailman/woman is working.

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