Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Bigfoot on USA Cover

Great cover today from Larry. He also returned me a personal Dutch bigfoot stamp. You see it next to Ella. Great with the original Willow Creek CAncellation. Do think he is behind bars there now.....Also like the Disney stamps, one from 2006 and one from 2007. Do we have them every year in the US?
Thanks Larry.

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Sunday, January 27, 2008


Great mini-sheet with 3 nice stamps, showing some regional pictures in France. Like France, we always went for holiday's there. Also this year but we are not sure of the place we go to.
This sheet also shows a chicken, so it is more than welcome in my collection. The sheet is still on paper and I think it will be that way. Did have some trouble with compleet sheets with soaking it of the paper. I did have two sheets in the end...!!!

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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Super Chicken- Appèl van de kip

What you see is a picture of Koen Vanmechelen, Belgian artist (1965) who want to make a super chicken with all the kind of chickens we have on this globe. He called it the Cosmopolitan Chicken Project.

There is an exhibition here with the result of 10 generations of chickens. Always he breed different chickens with each other. Chickens of all nations. In the end there will be a Global Chicken, like his idea, melting chickenpot. Maybe I will visit the exhibition.

Het appèl van de kip
Deze tentoonstelling is te zien in Museum Het Valkhof Nijmegen van 26 januari tot 29 juni 2008 'Het appèl van de kip' is de eerste museale solotentoonstelling van Koen Vanmechelen in Nederland. De expositie biedt een overzicht van het opmerkelijke Cosmopolitan Chicken Project dat de kern van zijn werk vormt. Hiermee heeft hij de afgelopen jaren in de kunstwereld naam gemaakt. In dit project kruist de kunstenaar kippen van typisch nationale rassen met elkaar. Zijn ideaal is om zo een universele, kosmopolitische kip te laten ontstaan. Tijdens de tentoonstelling zal de nieuwe, tiende generatie van deze kippen voor het eerst in levenden lijve in Nederland te zien zijn. Verder worden tekeningen en collages, installaties, opgezette dieren, sculpturen, computeranimaties en groot formaat kleurenfoto's van de verschillende generaties getoond. Kippen maken van jongs af aan deel uit van het leven van Koen Vanmechelen (Sint-Truiden (België), 1965). Wezenlijk in zijn Cosmopolitan Chicken Project is dat de kip die uiteindelijk zal ontstaan een 'superbastaard' zal zijn. Zij verenigt de genen van alle voorgaande generaties en nationaliteiten in zich. Dit staat haaks op de gebruikelijke rassenveredeling. Koen Vanmechelen wil namelijk geen 'Superraskip' creëren, waarin ongewenste genen worden uitgesloten, maar een bastaardkip die de genen van alle nationale rassen insluit. Zijn werk is dan ook doortrokken van het ideaal dat de eigenheid van het individu en de verbondenheid met de anderen samengaan. Voor Koen Vanmechelen is de kip dus geen braadkuiken of productiedier maar een symbool, drager van betekenis. En daarmee wordt zij kunst.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008


There are a lot of groups of collectors of special stamps or postcards. One nice group is the Lighthousepostcard group. Also for collectors of that kind of stamps. Here you see a lighthouse personal stamp. Isle of Texel in The Netherlands. Only 10 pcs made, so this is a very rare stamp. This kind of personal stamp you cannot order anymore. Its the 2007 version and, indeed we have 2008 now.
What is the value of an issue of 10 stamps, you may tell me.

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Personal stamps

Not many personal stamps you find in the regular mail. And when you receive one the "cancellation" is not what you want. Don't think the mailman of woman today got some information about the customers of the firm. There must be another way to do this. I don't mind if it takes a day longer to get my mail....What do you think??

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Sunday, January 13, 2008


My first banner, need it on a site to use it for other site's, so this is a test. Maybe need a nice stamp in it. will take care of that.


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Personal USA Chickenstamps

Last year, best wishes for a good and healty 2008 to all my blogfriends of course, I promised to show you my USA personal stamps. Here we have one. Will take some action to have them mailed to me so that I also have them with cancellation. Hard to trade because they are not easy to make single form the sticky sheet. Maybe you know a solution.

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When do we meet ?

Last week I sort out a great bag with postcards, they must be in it and I got them from family. I did found a lot of cards, the cards you put in an envelop and mail to people. Only 10-15 postcards in it but alway's nice to get stuff from family or friends. One of the cards you see here and because it has two chickens on it it's collectable for me. -When do we have a date- is the question of the flying chick. Don't think there will be an answer. Got a lot of other stuff to sort out, maybe you noticed because not much blogging last time. Try to be back often.

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